The Bayfield 40 in San Diego is back on the market.  I’m not sure why it was off the market because the price, info, and photos are the same.  We are also thinking about the Islander Freeport 41.  There are two in So. Cal that we wanted to see on our trip down there earlier this year, but we didn’t have a chance to look at them.Plus, one of the brokers down there told us they aren’t good for offshore sailing because the front windows are huge and require storm shutters and the galley/salon is wide open which makes it difficult to maneuver inside while heeling.  However, they are heavy displacement boats with lots of storage, a nice aft cabin and there is a couple currently cruising on one.  They left So. Cal a couple years ago and are now in the South Pacific.

I think we could figure out a way to deal with the huge windows.  As for the wide open galley/salon, I think we might be able to build an island in the galley without blocking the path to the forward cabin.  This would allow extra storage and a place to brace yourself while cooking on a passage.  Of course this is all conjecture without having actually stepped foot on the boat.  Rich might be traveling to San Diego in the next few weeks for a dive trip.  I’m hoping he will look at a couple boats while down there.

As much as we are ready to buy a boat, we are in a holding pattern.  Over the next few months we will be moving to a rental house or apartment.  We will be renters for the first time.  I think once we are settled in a new place we will be able to focus more energy on getting a boat.