Electrical Project Part III


Moving Batteries Inch by inch we’re getting closer to installing some new batteries.  This past weekend we moved the old batteries from under the quarter berth to the engine room.  They now temporarily sit where the old water heater was located.  Over the next few weekends we plan to tear out the old battery box […]

Another Project Bites the Dust

Isotemp water heater

We had a good weekend knocking out another project.  We installed the new water heater and removed the old one from the boat.  I think this is one of the few projects we were able to complete in ONE DAY.  Surprising too, since it not only involved plumbing, but electrical and some structural engineering for […]

Electrical Project Part II

Electrical Power Lugs

Electrical Project Part II We uploaded part 2 of the electrical project.  In this video we install the new breaker panel and briefly talk about upcoming projects. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date with our boat projects.

AC Wiring Done Right

2017 Projects

We haven’t been doing many website posts lately, but we HAVE been uploading recent project videos (and some old videos too) to YouTube.  So if you’ve wondered where we went, head over to our YouTube channel or you can watch videos on our website as well.

Mid-summer Project Update

Ground Tackle

So it’s mid July already and we’re making a little headway on the project list.  Our goal this summer was to get the boat put together enough to take it out on the San Joaquin River. Ground Tackle We started with the ground tackle, and have finally managed to get the bowsprit on, the anchor […]

How do we gauge our progress?

I wonder what sort of thought process was involved when the American Boat and Yacht Council convened to establish a standardized system of wire color coding.  Light blue for the oil pressure gauge?  Tan for water temperature?  Shouldn’t it be the other way around based on the “color” of the liquid we’re gauging?  Black might […]

Putting a crimp in my style

As part if the ongoing marine sanitation device installation I’ve been working on, I have some new wiring to do. Up until now I’ve been getting by with my barely adequate Klein crimpers.

Finally, a cheap project

Don’t worry, I’m still working in the installation of our new MSD.  Work (the kind that pays me money) has been busy, so I’m sorta’ doing boat things on the weekends.  The other day on my way home I stopped at Lowe’s and saw these hanging next to the check out line…

A bigger cockpit

Thursday it rained the better part of the morning, so filling and fairing fiberglass was out of the question.  I decided it was finally time to pull the steering pedestal assembly and get it out of the way.  I need to sand and paint inside the cockpit well and it’ll be a lot easier to […]

Feeling smart

Shore power. Everything’s great as long as it works.  When it doesn’t (best case scenario), you have to go up to the dock panel and reset the breaker.  Worst case, your boat catches fire and slowly sinks to the bottom of your slip (along with all your worldly possessions).  Not smart.