We haven’t posted in a long time so I just wanted to do a quick update on what we’ve been doing.  Remember that $500 piece of teak we bought at MacBeath’s about 18 months ago?  Well, Rich finally got up the nerve to make the first cuts on that teak for the cockpit coamings a couple of weeks ago.

We made a paper pattern first, then cut the teak a little wider than the pattern.  Rich is using his router to remove the middle underside part so it sits down onto the fiberglass coamings, then he’s going to bullnose the edges.  There are some tricky parts like where it has to slide under the existing teak in the cockpit and the very aft edge is a rounded, swoopy curve to match the aft part of the cockpit which is flush with the rest of the cockpit.  I’m sure I’m making no sense explaining this.  Rich will write a long-winded post about the entire process when he’s done.  For now here’s some photos.

This is the swoopy curve I was talking about

On the left you can see where the teak needs to slide under the existing cockpit teak