Yeah, yeah.  I know it’s been a while since I last posted.  Writing about boat projects has sort of taken a back seat to actually doing boat projects.

So to take a step back in time, allow me to fill you in on what we’ve been up to lately.  Bowsprit is painted, we had the stainless windlass bracket fabricated, Jeni stripped off all the old paint on the coach roof, we pulled down the headliner and relocated the staysil winch and cleat, we drilled and filled the holes in the roof for the new Garhauer traveller, and the various foot blocks and cam cleats for the control lines.  I also installed t-nuts (blind fasteners) in the ceiling for the grab rails and the new sea hood.  Oh yeah, and I finished painting the sea hood as well.

I picked up a cheapo gravity paint gun from Harbor Freight recently to finish spraying the turtle, and, I must say I’m pretty impressed for $12.  Laid down several coats of Interlux perfection like butter, and even used it to do a few coats on the bowsprit.  Not too shabby. Once the Snow White Perfection was dry, I masked off the edges for the non skid and rolled a couple quick coats of Perfection Platinum (which is just a fancy name for plain ‘ol gray).  While the paint was still wet, I sprinkled Interlux Intergrip compound over the entire surface.  Once I had the texture I was going for, and before the paint completely dried I peeled up the masking and blew off the excess powder with compressed air.  I have to say, I  already like the Intergrip way more than I do the Kiwigrip we used in the cockpit last year.  It’s looking like we’re going to use this stuff, along with 2-part Perfection on the rest of the deck.

That’s it for now.  More to come on the sprit and other stuff we’ve been trying to get accomplished…..

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