Sorry.  Not a lot of boat stuff to talk about over the past couple weeks, except for a few nagging little projects hanging on the back burner…

We haven’t been away from the boat for an extended period of time since we moved aboard a little over a year ago.  Jeni’s friend has a cabin up in South Lake Tahoe, and when he offered to rent it to us over Christmas, we were all over that like a fly on shit.  Good to get away from the fiberglass confines and into a “real” house for a few days.  We even took all of our dirty laundry so we wouldn’t have to go to the laundromat for another week.  Jeni’s family joined us up there, and we celebrated the holidays with eight people and a dog and a cat in a house nearly twice the size of our boat.  Suki doesn’t dig on riding in a car.  Never has, and at almost 17 years old, never will.  But, we managed to make the 3 hour drive with only one or two small outbursts on her part, and my bite wound is healing nicely.

We also got the steering pedestal back from the powder coating shop that did our windlass and it came out pretty nice.  Apparently, when the original casting came out of the mold 37 years ago, they filled all the voids with Bondo or something.  When my guy went to sandblast, everything pretty much fell all to hell and he had to do a bunch of filling and priming before he could powder coat.  Needless to say, I’m once again pretty pleased with the results.  More on the re-assembly in a later blog post….

I also managed to get the last two mahogany blocks for the forward dorade boxes epoxied to the roof, changed out our failing primary bilge pump, and got a couple more cleats mounted on deck.  All in all, not a bad year I suppose.

Happy New Year.

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