A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.
We may have lived on this boat for 10 years, but our actual sailing experience on this boat is limited. We learned to sail dinghies on Lake Natoma in the early 2000s. Then we stepped it up a notch, went to San Diego in 2010 and learned to sail on a small Catalina. We bought our boat in 2012 in San Francisco, CA and brought it to our current marina in the San Joaquin Delta. We immediately started tearing things apart to make it livable for us. After moving aboard full time in September 2013 and started removing the teak decks and redoing the cockpit. Needless to say this boat has been in a near constant state of refitting since we bought it. We have sailed in the Delta, but that’s about it. Rich has done more sailing on other people’s boats than I have and has more boating experience overall.

In the near future (fall 2023) we’ll be documenting a lot more sailing and less DIY fixes (fingers crossed). If you love watching DIY boat projects, don’t worry. We’ll still have plenty of those videos to share as well. For those who love sailing channels and have been waiting for ours to finally be a legit channel with sailing videos, well hopefully we’ll meet your expectations.