Fall Projects

I know, I know…we haven’t posted in a loooong time. When I sat down to write this post I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about because I didn’t think we had worked on many projects around the boat. I recently bought an Aeropress coffee maker and was going to write about that. […]
Plumbing Woes

For the past week or so we’ve noticed a drop in our water pressure at the sink, but only on the main faucet, not on the drinking water side. We kind of hoped that it was just Leo forgetting to turn off the sprinklers again, but we knew better. Then Wednesday night I turned on […]
Tank fiasco

So we haven’t talked much about the water tanks lately, mainly because we’re hooked up directly to the dock water and don’t really think about them too much. We had one leaky, 90 gallon, stainless steel tank that lived in our bilge. We removed that and bought one 48 gallon and one 36 gallon poly […]
Water Snobs

I’ve come to find that we are water snobs. I’m talking drinking water. The water in Folsom is amazing. It tastes great, it’s not hard, and has really low total dissolved solids. It’s so good that Kikkoman (you know, the soy sauce people) has a manufacturing plant there precisely because the water is so good.
Clock is ticking…
Oh Lord, 13 days and counting until I have to have this boat in a somewhat “habitable” condition. I haven’t been posting much, because I’ve pretty much been spending every waking moment working on the boat. I see my wife maybe 1 day out of 6 lately.
Almost Civilized

We installed the potable water system this weekend. What a huge difference running potable water makes! The well water in the delta is pretty foul. It smells weird and has nasty floaties in it, so for months we’ve been carting drinking water in a 7-gallon jug back and forth from the condo to the boat. […]

I finished cleaning the bilge yesterday. Today, I hurt. My forearms ache from gripping the scrub brush; my back is sore from bending over all day and I accidentally tried to stand up while still under the salon table (not something I recommend anyone try); and my shoulders hurt from holding the palm sander. Was […]
What a day!

With our failure to accomplish anything last Sunday fresh in our minds, we were determined to make progress today…and we did! Our goal: pull out the 36 year old, ~100 gallon, stainless steel water tank.
Scratch That

So we thought our water tank was water tight…scratch that. It’s leaking. We saw a small drip, drip, drip at the aft corner into the lower bilge. Just what we need – another project.
Chugging Along

With the refrigerator almost finished, we decided to tackle the holding tank. We’ve really been dreading removing all the old plumbing (yuck!) In the picture above you can see the two black hoses that we cut off and holding tank just under them.