Repairing a Self-Tailing Winch

Barient Winch

We live about 60 miles east of the SF Bay Area.  One day Rich went to a marine consignment shop in Alameda to consign some old boat stuff he had in his shop.  While he was there he found a Barient self-tailing winch.  While that shouldn’t seem surprising, it was.  We rarely see self-tailing winches […]

Unintended Project – Jib Tracks

jib track

We never planned to install new jib tracks, but as often happens on a sailboat, this became one of several unintended projects.  For those who don’t know, jib tracks are metal bars typically mounted on the outside edge of a boat.  The jib sheets (the lines that control the jib when sailing) run through blocks on […]

Weekend Update

This past weekend was the 4th of July.  As usual, we didn’t do too much.  Friday morning we took Fat Suki to Korth’s Pirate Lair for breakfast.  Surprisingly it only took us about 20 minutes to get there and we got up to 17 kph.  Way faster than we thought our little dink could go.


I thought I’d take a step back from my typical captious tendencies, and give Rich the praise he rightly deserves.  Last summer someone (and I’m not naming names) lost our main halyard to the top of the mast.  Over the past seven months or so we’ve periodically given thought to retrieving it.  


So today turned out to be a crap day for doing anything what so ever  on boat related projects with a stiff blow coming from North/Northwest in excess of a steady 20 knots, and gusts above 35.  Forecast says it’s gonna’ be like this ’til Tuesday.