Creating a New Storage Locker

storage locker

Tayana’s have a lot of storage locker space, and yet, it never seems to be enough.  We’ve completed a few projects where we were able to convert unused (or poorly used) space into useable storage lockers.  And we’ve thought about changing the storage under the settees and engine room, but that’s for another post. Once […]

AC Wiring Done Right

2017 Projects

We haven’t been doing many website posts lately, but we HAVE been uploading recent project videos (and some old videos too) to YouTube.  So if you’ve wondered where we went, head over to our YouTube channel or you can watch videos on our website as well.

The skinny little cabinet full of paper charts

Just forward of the knee space under our chart table is a tall, narrow, and deep locker with several shelves for storing rolled paper nautical charts.  At 8 inches wide by 23 inches tall, and nearly 36 inches deep, this locker is the perfect place to stash copious quantities of rolled up paper… but not […]