There are a lot of things I never thought I’d get excited about until we moved on a boat, and the trash can is one of them.  The trash can has been a problem since we “remodeled” the galley.  The old trash can was a hole in the middle of the countertop.  It wasted a lot of space; space we converted to storage which left nowhere to put the trash can.  It’s been living under the nav station these past 4 years, much to Rich’s chagrin since that’s his computer desk.

We decided to make a tilt-out bin under the sink for the trash can way back before we moved aboard.  But other projects always took precedence.  There were two little drawers in that area that we needed to remove.  In reality, they were too small to be useful, except as junk drawers.  Well, Rich finally got around to building the tilt-out bin and now our trash can is properly stored.  The door front looks really good and matches the existing teak slats perfectly.

Now we can move on to more important projects like finishing the standing rigging.  We’re planning to finish that this summer and probably most of the running rigging too.  It’s been windy so we haven’t been able to climb the mast to get the measurements we need for new shrouds.  And Rich wants to install a halyard restrainer for the jib halyard and a new spare halyard.  Of course, if it’s not windy, it’s going to be over 100 degrees, but who’s complaining.

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