~ Top Five ~

Things We Don't Like About Our Boat

There is no such thing as a perfect boat.  So we all have to make compromises when we buy a boat.  Here are our top five things we don’t like about our boat.

Holding tank

Number 5

Holding Tank Size and Location – Our holding tank is located under the engine.  It’s glassed into the hull.  There is no way to service it and it’s at the opposite end of the boat from the head.  So we have an 18 foot long hose from the head back to the tank.  We also don’t know how big it is.  We think it’s about 15 gallons which isn’t a lot.

Diesel tank

Number 4

Diesel Tank Location – Ours is located under the V-berth.  It cannot be removed without cutting it up.  Later models have the diesel tank in the bilge in the center of the boat which is better for balance.  It’s about 90 to 100 gallons so when the tank is full it’s a lot of weight up front.

Too much teak

Number 3

Too Much Teak – I will never own another boat with so much exterior teak.  Period.

Refrigerator location

Number 2

Refrigerator Location – Our fridge is located next to the companionway on the port side.  Later models of our boat have the fridge forward of the companionway (where our sink is now).  If we had moved the fridge we would have made it a bit bigger and it would have more usable space.  We could have put the compressor under the fridge instead of taking up real estate in the lazarette.  Plus, unbeknownst to us when we gutted and rebuilt the fridge a decade ago, was how the proximity to the engine would add enough heat to cause the fridge to run a bit more.

Wet head

Number 1

Wet Head – Most newer boats have a shower stall that is separated from the rest of the head by a door or small curtain.  Most older boats, not so much.  High on our list of things we did NOT want on a boat is a wet head.  So what is a wet head?  It’s a combination shower/sink/toilet.  Ours has a curtain that separates the sink and toilet while showering, but some don’t.  So why do we hate it?  Because the shower is small, we have a shower curtain to deal with, and things get wet no matter what.  I’ve changed the shower curtain (which is actually two shower curtains) twice so far.  They just don’t last and I have to add a bunch of velcro to make the two of the work correctly.

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