Treasure Hunt

One of the big differences between living in a house and living on a boat is where stuff is stored.  In a house it all makes perfect sense.  Clothes are stored in the bedroom closet; bath towels are stored in the linen closet; and food is stored in the kitchen.  It sounds pretty logical, right? […]

Another project shelved

Storage on a small sailboat is limited and though our boat has a lot more storage than some, I can envision the day when we run out of storage space.  Rich and I sold, donated, gave away and threw away the majority of stuff we’d accumulated over the 18 years we’ve been together before moving aboard.  

So here’s the catch…

The Corian galley tops have been installed since August (well, mostly installed) but up until a week or so ago we’ve been lifting the fridge lids by a flimsy strip of blue painter’s tape.  Every few days someone (not pointing fingers) tears the tape, and then I have to replace it.  My penitence, if you […]

Making the step up

Jeni and I don’t have kids.  At least not in the traditional, “all-American, buy a minivan, ballet, soccer, baseball practice, work ’til we’re 65 to pay off  their college, vote everyone else a tax increase, do it all for the children” sense of the term.  That’s probably one of the biggest reasons that we’re able to attempt something […]

Oh, the Humidity!

It’s fall in northern California.  What’s that mean?  It means chilly nights (mid to low 40s), foggy mornings, and sunny afternoons (low 60s).  Not too shabby you might say.  We’ve had two days of rain outside.  News reports say we’re technically in a drought, but I beg to differ! 

We can breathe a little easier now

Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer.  CO is a gas produced as a result of burning carbon based fuels such as gasoline, diesel or propane.  Odorless, colorless and tasteless; you don’t know it’s around until its too late.  Symptoms of CO poisoning include headache, nausea, dizziness or even unconsciousness, and can often be […]

Leaks & Stormy Weather

We had our first stormy weather last Saturday, so what did Rich and I do?  We went to the bay area.  What should we have done?  We should have stayed home to make sure the boat didn’t leak like a sieve.  So how did we fair?  Not too bad, but not great.  

Refrigeration is a Wonderful Thing

I was starting to doubt I would ever see the day we had a working refrigerator…but that day is here (or so I thought). Rich worked on the electrical connections yesterday, and first thing this morning he coiled up the evaporator plate and stuck it in the freezer.  That part went smoothly; getting it uncoiled […]